Saturday, 8 May 2010

Out of the desert, comes a £50 cheque!

Welcome back. Okay, so this one is 28 lines, Sorry, I obviously can't count!

It took me a while not to spell desert as dessert. Seriously, and I was a spelling bee champion! Dessert is yummy though!

Okay, so guys, this was a tough week for me. If you have been on my justgiving page lately (no, you haven't have you... yes, you should have... I've caught you out... just joking... am I?) you would have seen that the donations have slowed to a crawl. So I thought I would unleash my fundraising powers, you know bring in the charming big dogs. I started contacting possible funders; calling, emailing, stalking...

I even contacted people I knew the chance of receiving a donation from was about as possible as rowing to the moon and back in 3 days on a canoe... But I did anyway! I was feeling confident after reading my 'guide to fundraising' and felt the funding world was my oyster...
... 3 days later, my canoe was still standing vertical in the sand. I had called my old school like 10 times and sent numerous emails and had spoken to a particular voice message so much that I chant along with it now. Just to cheer myself up! Funny story...
I call one of my old establishments, hoping to speak to the head of department. The receptionist puts me through. It goes through to voicemail, so I call back and say to the receptionist, 'can you give me her direct number?' Receptionist says no. So next time I call, I ask when the head will be around. Receptionist says 'I can't be certain of that. You just have to call back.' I am getting kind of exasperated by now, so i say, 'I could call back 20 times and not get through to her. Could you tell me when she might be around the vicinity of her office? She must have a timetable!' So receptionist tells me to hold on and comes back 2 minutes later and says, 'well she's actually not on site till Friday (This is Tuesday by the way!), so you can try her then!'
As I put the phone down, I think to myself, 'would it not have been easier for receptionist to tell me
that at the BEGINNING of the phone call, therefore saving my time and hers? In addition to that thrilling but grossly unhelpful phonecall, I hadn't received any replies from my numerous emails and other voice messages. I was down, Yes down! My canoe now appeared to be lying facedown surounded by desert wind, with tumbleweed blowing mockingly across the sand.

But then, my mother came home with a cheque for £50 from a church member who heard about what I was doing and wanted to donate! So a big thank you to the twins, and my mum! They really put a happy spin to an otherwise miserable day for me!!

Banke xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Banke

    This sounds so exciting! At some point I'll be making a donation because this is a pretty worthwhile cause.

    keep up the blog writing, I'd love to hear how you do out there.



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