Sunday, 6 March 2011

A day in a life of the beach coconut


Okay, so this is hardly a serious blog entry, but I was walking on the beach yesterday with my camera, playing with the focus and varying the depth of focus, and I found a lonely hollow coconut and felt I should tell the epic (well not so epic) of its dream of going to sea. I’m sure pictures on their own would suffice, but this is more entertaining.

DSC03943‘Beach Coconut had done its job. It had offered its nutritious, sweet milky water and soft white flesh to tourists lazing by Lumley Beach just that morning. It had been punctured and carved rather mercilessly by the young local seller, but it didn’t mind because it knew that if the tourist forgot that it was wrong to litter on the beach, it might just be lucky enough to get to go to sea! Unfortunately, its owner after consuming its refreshing innards, threw him on the sand far away from the water and simply walked off!’




‘The water was so close. It could smell its closeness, almost taste its cool salty disposition. But the tide was still out and though it had been kicked a few times by beach runners and strolling lovers over the last few hours it was no closer. Frustrated but determined, Beach coconut waited patiently.’






‘A couple of hours later, it heard the roar of the waves as it rolled unto the beach, closer than it had ever been. As it receded, it heard the fizzing of the bubbles and it grew excited. The water was coming for him. He would finally get to go to sea.’




‘Poised for impact, it used all its might to roll the lip of its opening to a most advantageous position of receiving the cool water and rolling toward it. The waves crashed once more and enveloped Beach coconut in a big bubbling whoosh. The push of the water rolled it sideways and upwards, the sand exfoliating its rough exterior.’




‘Sadly, the force of the wave was not sufficient to pull him out to sea and the disappointed Beach coconut was left soaked on the sand, forced to watch while the water grew more distant.’







‘Minutes crawled by, the sand warmed and its sandy skin dried. As the sun moved across the sky, Beach coconut’s optimism and excitedness fell. It was so quiet, it could hardly hear the water.’




‘Suddenly with little warning, a big wave rushed in, offsetting Beach coconut from its depressed position. Its hollow insides were filled with water and gave it the momentum be pulled, finally into the deeper waters. Overcome by the great power of the waves, Beach coconut shouted for joy as it floated to the surface, only to be pushed under by the heavy wall of the falling water and carried further away from the shore. Beach Coconut had finally done it. It was going out to sea.’


And then I went to have dinner at Roy’s Restaurant with Theo!